Perry Mechanical Design is a San Diego engineering consultant specializing in product development. Experienced in developing consumer products, medical devices, automotive parts, electronic devices, marine equipment, and autonomous surface vessels. Whatever you are working on, we want to help! We've worked with all types of clients: individual inventors, startups, small firms, and large corporations.

Micro Fred ASV

Design, manufacture, and assembly of Clear Blue Sea's Micro FRED autonomous surface vessel platform. An electric vessel which has precision RTK GPS positioning, stereo camera computer vision, depth mapping sonar, and uses ROS2 architecture for autonomous navigation. Designed as a low cost platform to enable rapid software development.

Marine Power Generation

Design of submerged anchor swivel with unlimited 360 rotation and power passthrough for 250V & 120V AC shore power and DC data lines. Design of submerged lead screw actuation system for turbine position adjustment.

product prototyping

Working with Performant Manufacturing, LLC, designed 3D printed and injection molded housings and components for prototyping and testing of consumer products.

Glomensio illuminated address numbers

VENA Water

Performance estimation and mechanical design of large scale passive atmospheric water generator which used geothermal cooling.

Antique automotive parts

Working with Arnold Schmidt Restorations, recreated Supercharger drawings for new castings to be machined, and designed missing grill piece to be waterjet cut at Water Jet West